Bussing and Warewashing Supplies

  • Advance Tabco GRD-1-X Glass Rack Dolly w/ 400lb Capacity

    Advance Tabco GRD-1-X Glass Rack Dolly w/ 400lb Capacity

    The Advance Tabco GRD-1-X glass rack dolly is made of a heavy duty aluminum plate and has a heavy duty welded construction. This glass rack can hold up to 400lbs on 3" bolted swivel plate casters.Glass Rack Dolly 20-1/2"W x 20-1/2"D x 5-1/4"H...

    MSRP: $534.00
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Have mess to clean up? We have the products and supplies to get it done-

Cleaning the table after a customer has left and resetting it for the next client is a fast procedure accomplished in full view of your patrons. The proper bussing equipment can make it a fast, quiet, and discrete operation.

Washing dirty dishes requires speed and proper handling.  Dishwasher racks can speed dirty dishes and glassware through the washer and back into the production line, without expensive breakage. Manufacturers have devised codes for their racks that will tell your employees exactly which racks to use for specific glasses or dishes, avoiding a delay in processing because things don’t fit correctly.

Using the proper dish rack for your business will save in the cost of dish and glass replacement, it will keep your washing area running at its peak.

Consider these things when you determine the size racks you need:

1.  What size are your glasses?  You will need the maximum width and maximum height.  Most often, various glass racks are needed to accommodate different size and shapes. This will reduce breakage. 

2.  Are the racks being used for storage as well?  If so, make sure the rack is tall enough to accommodate the things within, or stacking could be impeded. Extensions are available to use with long stemware.

3.  What kind of sides would you like on your racks- Open or Closed?  Closed sides are essential for keeping your wares clean while being stored, although if your drink glasses get really sticky you may find they will not come out as clean and prefer open.

GlobeEquipment.com is proud to offer the finest in supplies and equipment to make your business run at its best. Globe offers commercial brands we are confident will work their best for you- Rubbermaid, Franklin Machine, Cambro and Metro to name a few.